Handling Stackable Chairs – 4 Things You Must Avoid When Stacking Chairs as per Experts

stackable chairs

Most commercial eateries use stackable chairs as their primary seating options. Being available in both luxurious and non-luxurious designs, these chairs are popular worldwide. Alongside their designs, these chairs are versatile offering space management, flexible arrangement and ease of storage. And the best part is that they’re inexpensive compared to other seating options.

But one of the most vital facts about using stackable seating options is that you must handle them properly to prevent damage and ensure safety. You must stack and store them securely to ensure their durability.

Let’s discuss more about that in the below blog post.

Expert tips on handling modern stackable chairs

Chairs play a significant role in decorating a café and/or restaurant. But that doesn’t mean that you’ve to invest in a luxurious seating option. Even with modern stackable chairs, you can revamp the interior of your eatery.

All you’ll have to do is handle them properly. Here’s how,

1. One of the most vital things you must ensure before stacking your chairs is that they’re all clean. Stacking them without proper cleaning can make them vulnerable and cause even more damage. Besides that, if there are stains, it can get harder without routine cleaning. Experts suggest cleaning stackable chairs is a must before stacking them.

2. Ensure to avoid stacking your chairs too high. It may seem tempting to keep all your chairs in a single row, but it’ll cause more harm than good. Stacking them too high can cause them to fall off and damage the floor and/or chairs of your eatery. Thus, you must follow the builder’s instructions when stacking your stackable chairs.

3. Though it may seem time-saving, avoid stacking multiple chairs at a time. Experts suggest stacking chairs once at a time is better. Stacking multiple chairs can cause imbalance and lead them to fall off and/or personal injury.

4. Once you stack your chairs, together they’ll increase the height and weight. Thus, experts suggest avoiding dragging your stackable chairs after stacking them. Doing it will damage the floor as well as the legs of your chairs. So, it’d be best to drag them separately or use a chair dolly to move your stacked chairs.

Bottom line,

      Can’t decide what would be the best seating options for your commercial eatery? Investing in custom stackable chairs can be great. All you’ll have to do is to handle them appropriately.

      Author Bio: The Author runs a furniture shop. For years, he’s helped many people find the best stackable chairs for their places. Also, he’s written lots of articles and blog posts on the same.